With surges in fuel prices and baggage fees, paying for a flight can be very expensive. However, you do not always have to pay to fly. While nothing free comes easy, there are ways you can earn travel vouchers and frequent flyer miles that will get you free tickets. It is easier to accumulate flying vouchers and frequent flyer miles if you keep using the same airline. By showing your loyalty, you may be eligible for extra perks and upgrades too. Almost every airline has a partnership with a card. Delta offers 30,000 miles just for getting approved for their AmEx. United offers a Mileage Plus card from chase that will earn you 40,000 miles when you sign-up. Seeking out over booked flights goes along with volunteering to get bumped. Your odds of receiving a travel voucher go up when you are flying a route with a good chance of being oversold. Another way to travel for free allows you to take a friend/partner/boyfriend or just about anyone you can call your companion on a free flight that you are on.Many airline credit cards, such as Delta, will allow you to bring a companion along for free once a year for renewing their credit card.Simply working for most airlines will provide you with access to free flights wherever that airline flies. You will be able to fly your immediate family and some airlines even allow you to fly a companion for free. So just making the right friends may get you access to a free flight.